DRF Air Rescue night flight exercise in Erfde: Safety first

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Erfde will be the venue for an extraordinary night exercise by DRF , in which two new pilots will train with night vision devices. Led by experienced pilot and instructor Dirk Kugel, the rural location within the operational radius of the Rendsburg base was chosen to train important skills for safe in the dark.

Night flight exercise instead of emergency

On a quiet evening in Erfde, the local soccer field unexpectedly transformed into a floodlit landing pad for rescue helicopters. Dirk Kugel, pilot and flight instructor at the DRF Station in Rendsburg, emphasized that no one was in distress; rather, a planned night flight exercise was taking place. Two new air rescue pilots completed several landing scenarios with the help of night vision goggles.

Night flight exercise: Special training for safety

Dirk Kugel explains that night skills are crucial for the 24-hour readiness of DRF Air Rescue stations. As an experienced pilot with additional qualifications, he teaches the newcomers the theoretical and practical use of night vision goggles (NVGs). These devices, which amplify the residual light in the surroundings, are required by pilots to navigate safely in the dark.

Challenges of night flying

Flying at night represents an important learning opportunity for the trainees. Despite the support provided by the NVGs, the mission remains challenging. This training enables the young pilots to accurately assess the terrain even in the dark, strengthening their skills and confidence in critical situations during night flights.

Future air rescue experts

With the successful completion of the training in Erfde, the two new pilots are perfectly prepared for their missions. Dirk Kugel emphasizes the importance of such exercises for ensuring the safety of nighttime rescue flights and maintaining the highest level of operational readiness of DRF Air Rescue. These young talents will make a significant contribution to air rescue.

DRF Luftrettung is a leading air rescue organization in , focused on innovation and safety. With a network of thirteen 24-hour bases, it contributes to primary medical care and ensures the safe transport of patients. The continuous training and specialization of its pilots consistently ensures the highest quality and efficiency.

Training flights for rescue helicopters in Schachtholm

The pilot duo was observed conducting training missions in Rendsburg-Schachtholm on the evening of the exercise. The pilots took off from the base of the Christoph 42 rescue in a backup aircraft to avoid compromising the operational readiness of the original rescue . The exercises focused on night landings under difficult conditions.

Start and first maneuvers

The training began at Rendsburg-Schachtholm Airfield, where the pilots took off in a backup aircraft. After several landings and hovering exercises on the illuminated , the training proceeded to the sports field in Erfde. There, the focus was on the safe landing of the helicopter under nighttime conditions. The fire department played an important role, supporting the maneuver with lighting and safety equipment.

Overcoming security challenges

Upon arrival at the target, the terrain was inspected from a height of 200 meters in a so-called “high reconnaissance.” Visibility was limited due to low-lying clouds, but the extensively illuminated sports field was still clearly visible. The pilots performed a controlled descent and landed safely in the center of the field before taking off again. Reducing the lighting in a second test increased the difficulty level, which the pilots mastered with flying colors.

Complexity when flying at night

In subsequent runs, the lights were gradually dimmed, sometimes to just the blue fire department lights, which made the task more difficult. It was important to find the scene in near darkness. Night vision devices were also turned off to simulate the failure of such devices. These challenging conditions helped the student pilots understand different scenarios and optimize their skills.

Public interest and questions

Interested passersby observed the events and asked questions about the role of the fire department and the changing lighting conditions. These exercises are crucial for the safety of air rescue operations under operational conditions. Public understanding and participation contribute to the acceptance and support of such important training units.

DRF Luftrettung is a leader in air rescue in Germany. With state-of-the-art technology and highly trained teams, it provides medical care around the clock in emergencies. These exercises are part of DRF Luftrettung’s ongoing efforts to optimize its crew’s skills and response times, thus saving lives.

Fire brigade supports night helicopter landings

Collaboration with the fire department offers numerous advantages during nighttime landings. Firefighters provide support with their expertise in lighting and local knowledge, allowing patients to gain valuable time, which can be life-saving in an emergency. Dirk Kugel emphasizes the crucial role of fire departments in optimizing nighttime operations.

The fire department uses its own resources to illuminate the landing area for the helicopter.
The fire department uses its own resources to illuminate the landing area for the helicopter. (Source: Erfde Volunteer Fire Department)

Effective support from the fire brigade

Dirk Kugel explains how the fire department can assist with nighttime helicopter landings by identifying and illuminating suitable landing sites. Although the helicopters have powerful spotlights, the fire department’s assistance is welcome, as it can save valuable seconds. Local firefighters can not only suggest suitable locations but also identify potential hazards such as wetness or loose objects.

Local exercises promote cooperation

Kugel emphasizes that the recent exercises in Erfde and Schalkholz have deepened this collaboration. Despite fog and the cancellation of an exercise in Pahlen, the cooperation between the fire department and air rescue crew was excellent. Firefighters were able to deepen their knowledge of lighting and landing site security, while the flight students benefited from realistic scenarios. The involvement of the youth fire department in Erfde in particular contributed to the sustainable training of future emergency personnel.

Night flight exercise has learning effects for all involved

The exercises not only offered the pilots the opportunity to perfect their skills, but also provided the firefighters with the opportunity to consolidate their competencies in nighttime operational situations. Kugel emphasized that the firefighters and crews learned from each other and thus achieved optimal results together in an emergency. The challenges posed by the weather, in particular, made the exercises valuable for practical use.

Future-oriented collaboration

The long-term partnership between air rescue and the fire service is strengthened through such exercises. Kugel expressed his gratitude for the excellent organization and smooth cooperation with the volunteer fire departments. He sees the practiced scenarios as a win-win situation for everyone involved, as the lessons learned can be directly applied in practice and ultimately benefit the patients.

Air rescue serves the public by reaching patients in need quickly and professionally. Through regular training and close cooperation with fire departments, operational capability is continuously improved. This cooperation ensures that assistance is always provided at the highest level, even under challenging conditions.