CanSat competition: School teams show self-built mini satellites

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The German CanSat young talents the opportunity to present their self-developed mini satellites in a launch campaign in Bremen. From March 3rd to 7th, 2025, teams from all over Germany will present their projects, with the CanSats reaching heights of up to one kilometer.

Promote scientific and technical talent

The German CanSat , jointly organized by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), has been inspiring young students to undertake technical and scientific projects for over a decade. In 2025, teams will gather in Bremen to launch their CanSats, also known as ‘can satellites’. These will be launched into the air using model rockets to carry out individual scientific missions. The events not only offer the students a platform to present their work to a jury, but also provide valuable insights into Bremen’s aerospace industry.

Latest project ideas from the CanSat teams

This year, several teams are dedicating themselves to innovative projects, including topics such as the habitability of alien planets. One team studies the strength of magnetic fields to protect against solar winds, while another analyzes the to obtain data on air quality. Other projects include technical challenges such as the development of autonomously extendable landing legs for safe landing and the safe of solar panels using CanSats. This diversity shows the potential of young scientists and emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary approaches.

The application process starts in August 2025

Interested students aged 14 and over can apply for the next competition in August 2025. Teams require at least four members and have approximately six months to design, build and test their mini-satellites. Further information is available on the official website The opportunity to participate not only young people an exciting challenge, but also provides significant technical knowledge and project management skills.

Organisatoren und Unterstützer des Wettbewerbs

The German CanSat competition is coordinated by the European (ESA) via ESERO Germany. National and local partners, including the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the Institute for Aerospace (IAT) at Bremen University of Applied Sciences and ZARM at the University of Bremen, play a central role in supporting this event. The patronage is the Senator for Children and Education in Bremen. The funding is provided by OHB Bremen, among others, to ensure the sustainable development of the competition.

The German CanSat competition is a central initiative to promote MINT subjects among young talent in Germany. With support from organizations such as DLR and ESA, the competition provides a platform for innovation and technical talent. Participation not only promotes education, but also interest in and science.